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Richard ter Haar sets his focus on giving companies, institutions, and individuals an impulse to progress on a growth path. An important value is that the process should be structured where the growth process can continue after the guidance period has ended. On the contrary, development does not stop at the end of a guidance course. People have the ability to (re-)discover the tools to build positive development independently or together within the team environment of the organisation.

Sometimes a guidance course can lead to conclusions with impact; such as the decision to terminate employment, a conclusion where a staff development program is not the suitable means, while a therapy program is much more appropriate. Such personal decisions remain the responsibility of the person taking up the guidance program. A mission to take over the care or responsibility of the client does not fit into the vision of development as such action does not empower the client.

Often, such programs release and create new energy and creates internal motivation and drive. Pleasure in work and development, breaking loose of formed habits and patterns, “out of the box-thinking” helps individuals and teams to achieve unprecendented performance.